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圖片來自 Carmen Valentina,GI Joey 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club

Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 1)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 17)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 34)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 51)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 68)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 85)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 102)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 119)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 136)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 153)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 170)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 187)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 204)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 221)
Carmen Valentina 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 237)

圖片來自 Carmen Valentina,GI Joey 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club

更多 'Naughty America' 場景來自 Carmen Valentina,GI Joey

Daisy LaVoy 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Daisy LaVoy - My Daughter's Hot Friend

黛西·拉沃伊(Daisy LaVoy)一直在她朋友的父親的公司實習。由於她一直非常努力地工作,她想和他一起做一份兼職工作,因為作為實習生,你沒有報酬。由於她正在學習,她需要錢,但喬伊告訴她,實習只是為了讓她的腳濕透,這樣她畢業后就可以找到一份更好的工作。但她並沒有拒絕答案。相反,她提出讓他的雞巴從她多汁的陰戶中弄濕,以獲得她想要的東西。

Selina Bentz 在 'I Have a Wife'

Selina Bentz - I Have a Wife

賽琳娜·本茨(Selina Bentz)收到了一個包裹,但不適合她。郵遞員不小心把它留在了她家。它註定要送給她的鄰居 GI Joey。她很高興能去他家,把他的包裹交給他,因為她已經對他有很長一段時間了。她發現他穿著三角褲鍛煉,這讓她比以往任何時候都更加饑渴。她表現得很酷,並提出給他按摩以説明他的身體恢復。Selina在按摩過程中赤身裸體地趴在他身上,這讓他感到驚訝。她的計劃奏效了,因為很快,他的雞巴就深深地滑進了她濕漉漉的陰戶。

Amari Anne 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Amari Anne - Neighbor Affair

豐滿的烏木阿瑪里安妮發現她的丈夫和鄰居的妻子一起欺騙了她,她有照片和證據證明這是怎麼回事,然後去找他的鄰居算帳,GI 喬伊不敢相信他的妻子在作弊,現在潮汐已經改變,阿瑪里安妮說服他也欺騙那裡的配偶作為報復

Carmen Valentina 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Carmen Valentina - My Friend's Hot Mom

卡門·瓦倫蒂娜(Carmen Valentina)注意到她兒子的朋友正在看手機上的東西。他太投入了,以至於他甚至沒有意識到她就站在他身邊。她看到他實際上在看一些摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的色情片,並發現他以前從未和一個年長的女人在一起過。她是如此饑渴,現在是給他一個他永遠不會忘記的體驗的最佳時機。

Addis Fouche 在 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Addis Fouche - Perfect Fucking Strangers

當 GI Joey 來接他的約會物件時,她的室友 Addis Fouche 應了門。她開始問他一大堆問題。看起來阿迪斯在尋找她的朋友,但當她問喬伊他的雞巴有多大以及他是否吃貓時,他們倆意識到他們作為他媽的哥們是多麼角質和相容。

Roxie Sinner 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Roxie Sinner - Dirty Wives Club

羅克茜·辛納(Roxie Sinner)需要獲得網路星期一的交易,但她的互聯網表現得很不穩定,所以她打電話給她的互聯網服務提供者,他們派了一名技術人員來解決問題。問題似乎是一個需要更換的路由器,但技術人員在幾個小時內都無法解決它,因為他在為她挑選新路由器之前還有其他一些上門電話要做。Roxie 認為這是不可接受的,因為她需要她的互聯網工作,以便她能夠獲得這些在線交易。技術無能為力,但 Roxie 有辦法讓事情發生。所以她鞭打她的奶子,讓技術人員操她,直到他用他的種子填滿她的陰戶。這使她的請求提前了,技術人員向她保證,他會儘快為她提供新的路由器!

Justine Jakobs 在 'Naughty Athletics'

Justine Jakobs - Naughty Athletics

GI Joey 參加了 Justine Jakobs 的瑜伽課,因為他想要一個更好地瞭解她的理由。幸運的是,他比瑜伽更擅長做愛。賈斯汀很幸運,而不是繼續嘗試教他瑜伽,她可以通過他媽的來獲得良好的性高潮和緩解壓力。

Macy Meadows 在 'I Have a Wife'

Macy Meadows - I Have a Wife

梅西梅多斯(Macy Meadows)在聯播的室友回家時獨自一人。他嚇壞了,因為如果他的妻子發現,結果不會很好。但梅西不在乎,她想要的只是她緊窄濕潤的陰戶深處的雞巴。

Carmen Valentina 在 'misses brunch with the gang and ends up getting creampied by her friend's husband'

Carmen Valentina - I Have a Wife

卡門·瓦倫蒂娜(Carmen Valentina)以為她今天早上會和朋友們一起吃早午餐,但事先並沒有真正確定計劃。她來到朋友家,卻發現阿什利的丈夫赤身裸體地躺在床上,床上拿著晨曦的木頭。在阿什莉不見蹤影的情況下,卡門不會讓一隻大黑公雞不高興。

Freya Von Doom 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Freya Von Doom - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Freya Von Doom回到家,看到她朋友的爸爸在洗碗。令她驚訝的是,由於女孩的問題,他要呆一段時間。芙蕾雅喜歡年長的男人,尤其是那些擁有巨的男人。幸運的是,他需要一些被壓抑的釋放,所以弗雷亞的時機是完美的。看起來這對所有人來說都是雙贏的。

Sage Pillar 在 'American Daydreams'

Sage Pillar - American Daydreams

聖人柱子在她的鄰居GI Joey家停下來,投遞一個意外送到她的包裹。原來是喬伊的漫畫書。這個男人喜歡他的漫畫書,他更愛漫畫書中的壞女孩。因此,在看了一眼他的漫畫后,喬伊的想像力將他帶入了一個白日夢,Sage再次來到他的房子......但這次她打扮成他漫畫中的調皮女孩,這個調皮的女孩想要喬伊的雞巴壞。喬伊當然用他的雞巴填滿她的陰戶,並生活在他最長的幻想中。

Mila Monet 在 'Naughty Bookworms'

Mila Monet - Naughty Bookworms

米拉·莫内(Mila Monet)在學校表現很好,事實上她在所有測試中都取得了優異成績,所以她的教授很好奇她為什麼尋求説明。好吧,米拉不需要説明她的學業,她只是想他媽的,她對此非常向前。她的教授猶豫要不要給她那根雞巴,但米拉小指承諾她不會告訴她,他的工作將保持安全。在那些再次保證之後,她的教授給了她一生的雞巴。

Harley Dean 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Harley Dean - Neighbor Affair


Tiffany Fox 在 'American Daydreams'

Tiffany Fox - American Daydreams

蒂芙尼·福克斯(Tiffany Fox)在她的水槽下修理了一個水管工。他花了太長時間來適應她的喜歡,並且即將留下差評並在其他地方找到更好的水管工。他甚至在工作中睡著了。但是在睡著的時候,觀察到底發生了什麼。他得到了好評如潮,因為他在破紀錄的時間內完成了工作,蒂芙尼獎勵他,她緊窄濕潤的小陰戶在他的大管道上洩漏。

Emma Shay 在 'I Have a Wife'

Emma Shay - I Have a Wife

艾瑪·謝伊(Emma Shay)正在向私人廚師GI Joey學習如何製作牛排。所有的調味料和嫩化都讓艾瑪變得如此火熱和煩惱;她嘴裏必須含著GI Joey的肉。他已經結婚了,但一旦艾瑪的天然大奶子出來就無法抗拒。

Khloe Kapri 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Khloe Kapri - Neighbor Affair

性感的鄰居Khloe Kapri從她的糖爹鄰居GI Joey那裡得到了一輛新車。她很感激,她想取悅他,馬上拿走他的大雞巴!

Naomi Foxxx 在 'shows Gi Joey how to perform in bed for his wife'

Naomi Foxxx - My Wife's Hot Friend

Gi Joey想和Naomi Foxxx談談,因為他的婚姻陷入困境,但瞭解Naomi,她有一堆技巧可以讓魔法回到他們的生活。不過,學習這些動作的唯一方法是向他展示。他允許了,她高興地吞下了他的大雞巴!

Macy Meadows 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Macy Meadows - Neighbor Affair

性感的藍眼睛寶貝梅西梅多斯正在把她的雜貨帶到她的公寓,她又大又強壯的鄰居 GI 喬伊想幫她搬運所有這些袋子。一旦進入她的公寓,梅西想看看他的腹肌有多健美,那就是事情變得更熱、更頑皮的時候。喬伊想看到更多的梅西,他們最終都得到了他們想要的。

Amiee Cambridge 在 'convinces her friend's husband to have revenge sex with her'

Amiee Cambridge - My Wife's Hot Friend

非常性感的Amiee Cambridge有一個秘密,她知道她的朋友一直在酒吧看到一個男人,而她的丈夫正在加班加點,還有第二份工作給她想要的一切。現在GI Joey對他的妻子產生了懷疑,因為他看到了一輛麵包車在他家遲到的鏡頭。他走近阿米伊,想看看發生了什麼事,她把他妻子遇到的一個男人的豆子灑了出來。艾米為喬伊感到難過,想用復讎的性愛來安慰他!

Carmen Valentina 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Carmen Valentina - My Friend's Hot Mom

卡門·瓦倫蒂娜(Carmen Valentina)回到家,發現她兒子的朋友迭戈(Diego)在她兒子練習的時候出去玩。迭戈剛滿18歲,向卡門承認,他並沒有真正從女孩那裡得到太多的行動。卡門總是很樂意幫忙,所以在迭戈給她做足部按摩后,她用她的陰道按摩他的雞巴。

Carmen Valentina 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Carmen Valentina - Big Cock Bully


Carmen Valentina 在 'and Lucas Frost in Neighbor Affair'

Carmen Valentina - Neighbor Affair


Carmen Valentina 在 'and Giovanni Francesco in Latin Adultery'

Carmen Valentina - Latin Adultery


Carmen Valentina 在 'and Ryan Driller in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Carmen Valentina - My Friend's Hot Girl


來自其他網站的場景特色 Carmen Valentina,GI Joey

GI Joey 在 'Squirt The Sweat Away'

GI Joey - Squirt The Sweat Away

Sexy Kona Jade is working out in the gym and has a problem with GI Joey leaving his machines all sweaty when he's done with them. Kona decides to prove a point by squirting all over Joey and several machines. The two are so horny at this point that sex is inevitable even with other dudes around trying to get their own workouts in.

GI Joey 在 'Anal Is Not Cheating'

GI Joey - Anal Is Not Cheating

So, the cleaning agency sends Alyssia over to clean. She is a pretty eyed smoke house. She lets me know off rip she is married. But that has never stopped a show. I watched her clean in her biker shorts for a while then I got down to brass. I told her I would give her six hundred dollars to clean naked. She was hesitant at first but could use the money. She got naked, and moved around the house with that perfect body. I just had to masturbate in front of her to show her what she was doing to me. When she caught me, she was giving me a thirsty look, and before I knew it; she offered to help me out if I helped her out. We both were now horny as fuck. She actually asked me could she suck it. I told her hell yeah. But then a plot twist I didn't even see coming; she asked me to put it in her ass. So, I did just that. I Began to clean her asshole out with my dick. It was so tight, and I had to come. I painted her face and tits. I think I found a daily cleaning lady.

Abigaiil Morris 在 'Brawling Cuties Throw Bangers and Get Banged'

Abigaiil Morris - Brawling Cuties Throw Bangers and Get Banged

Abigaiil Morris meets trainer GI Joey for a workout session at her boxing gym. When GI Joey's cock starts flopping out of his shorts, boxing training quickly turns into deepthroating training. Suddenly Amber Summer arrives, scrappy and ready to take Abigaiil down. Abigaiil quickly lets Amber know it's her show with a big titty motorboat. The mayhem continues with a hot and mean hardcore girl-on-girl scissor session that escalates into an intense threesome that cannot be stopped!

Eva Generosi 在 'Big Dick For Tiny Eva'

Eva Generosi - Big Dick For Tiny Eva

Tiny Eva gets fucked by a big cock until it blows a huge load inside her.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Is A MILF Dick Lover'

Carmen Valentina - Is A MILF Dick Lover

Carmen Valentina can't help but feel attracted to the cute diver, Jay Romero. The curvy brunette with big tits and round ass is too sexual to resist the urge to seduce the man. When they arrive at her house, the two make out while peeling off the MILF hottie's snug dress, red lingerie, and high heels. Carmen then proceeds to sit on the lucky stud's face for a pussy licking before she gives him a blowjob. After the steamy foreplay, the couple fucks in doggystyle, cowgirl, spooning, and missionary. Carmen makes a strained but satisfied look as the man continues to pound her trimmed pussy. Jay thrusts his cock in and out of the curvy babe before finally pulling out and dumping his load on her crotch.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Gets The House Guest's Cock To Herself'

Carmen Valentina - DF Xtra

Carmen Valentina and her husband Cole Church have a special relationship. She is insatiable in the bedroom which led to her marrying him for his youth in vigor. Although now that things have settled into a routine, he is having a little trouble keeping up with her. Fortunately, there is a solution. Carmen and her husband, Cole, have started to embrace the Hotwife lifestyle. She fucks other men and he watches and enjoys the show. Sometimes he even joins in if he isn't exhausted. Things have been going well. Though sometimes Carmen does get a little overbearing. An example is the time Sir Goldey came over to watch the game. At first it was a pretty chill day but escalated when Carmen decided she wanted to get a little bit of the new house guest to herself. She sent Cole away on an errand so she could have some alone time with Goldey and see if he is receptive to her feminine charm. Turns out he was very receptive and when they were finally in the bedroom he gave the fucking of a lifetime. He worked her honey hole like he owned it and judging by the way he finished that might not be far from the truth. Even Cole had to watch as his wife was fucked deep and hard by his best buddy, enjoying the show the whole time. When it was all done she was left with a hot load of cum inside her and a renewed bond with her husband on their shared agreement.

Lacey London 在 'Magical Sex Elf'

Lacey London - Magical Sex Elf

Ethan hates Christmas. His roommate, Joey, is the complete opposite. he loves Christmas too much. In his room, Ethan discovers a magical sex elf that has come to spread Christmas cheer through her magical pussy. He doesn't even think that she could make him fall in love with the holiday. Despite her attempts, he ends up just kicking her out of his room. Contrary to Ethan, the moment Joey finds this magical sex elf, he's installs down to help her spread her Christmas cheer. He quickly gets to business and penetrates her tight hole. Soon after, Ethan changed his mind. He's on the look out for his magical elf. Instead he finds Joey fucking her. Upon this revelation, she proposes that they both fuck her. After all, Christmas is about sharing. They both fuck the magical sex elf in several different positions making her orgasm several times. Eventually, she begs Joey to cum inside her, and soon after that Ethan drops a huge load all over her magical face.

Cherry Kiss 在 'Thirsty Blonde Cherry gets her tight ass stretched'

Cherry Kiss - Thirsty Blonde Cherry gets her tight ass stretched

Let Cherry enchant you with her blonde hair and stunning looks. Then follow her behind closed doors and watch Cherry pucker up.

GI Joey 在 'Working Out Step Daughter'

GI Joey - Working Out Step Daughter

Emma catches her buff step dad Joey working out and it makes her teen pussy turn into an ocean. Good thing she is wearing a bikini. She lures him into using her for his gains. All the rubbing and grunting Emma can't help but point out the massive bulge in his shorts. It looks so big. She promises not to tell her mother if he would let her see it. She then offers to massage it for him. I mean it is a muscle too right? But like massage it with her mouth. Then the real workout begins; the naked sweaty kind. It's a tight fit but Joey manages to get it in, and stretch her tight pussy to its limits. Emma cant wait til the next workout session, and Joey is more than happy with his new workout partner.

Natasha Nice 在 'Milfs Take Miami - Part 3'

Natasha Nice - Milfs Take Miami - Part 3

In the finale of this wild and sloppy series, the daring Alexis Fawx finally has her moment to reconnect with lost driver James Angel as our MILFs celebrate their last night in Miami. Knowing that they need to leave an impression, Alexis, CJ Miles, and Natasha Nice go harder than anyone else - all eyes are on them! Whether it's in the hotel lobby, 8th Street, or the bar tops of VIP clubs, these MILFs are taking over and leaving with a bang! They landed all pristine and business, now they're going to leave satisfied and drooling. And that can only happen if Alexis finally has that missed connection rail her tight ass right in the middle of a packed dance floor…

Callie Black 在 'Mother's Day Gangbang For The Stepmom'

Callie Black - Mother's Day Gangbang For The Stepmom

Callie Black is excited to celebrate her first Mother's Day as a brand-new stepmom. After her husband wakes her up by sucking on her tits, she decides to have some holiday fun by masturbating in bed… only for her new stepdaughter, Victoria Lobov, to want in on the action! She eats Callie out and then fingers her pussy over breakfast, before she's interrupted by her friends Jimmy Michaels and Parker Ambrose. While Victoria goes to pack for their beach trip, the two hotties can't help but want to show their appreciation for her fine MILF by sneakily fucking Callie in front of her husband! Once he leaves (and both Darrius Dawson and GI Joey show up) the real fun begins. Callie sucks the four men off, enjoying the taste of their cocks, before letting them take turns fucking her pussy. Not wanting her new stepmom to have all the fun, Victoria gets in on the gangbang and has the four men pound her tight holes! Once Callie and Victoria are spent, the men take turns cumming in Callie's mouth! Talk about the perfect Mother's Day gift!

Molly Little 在 'Fuck my BooBoo Away'

Molly Little - Fuck my BooBoo Away

Molly Little has a boo boo on her leg awwwww....luckily her stepdad G.I Joey is here for the rescue, what a hero. He quickly assesses the situation and begins to massage the affected area but oh no! Molly has but yet another problem. The massage feels great and now she's horny! Molly being now ready to fuck has no dick around but her stepfather's i think you know whats next, molly isn't the kind of girl to be denied she always gets what she want and today G.I Joey is saving some pussy from distress, not all heroes wear capes....or condoms for that matter.

GI Joey 在 'Busted!'

GI Joey - Busted!

Influencer & gym queen Elana is doing her thing when she notices Joey ogling her throughout her workout. Using her phone to film herself, Elana repeatedly catches Joey staring at her assets - but instead of being upset, she is turned on by this gym-rat GigaChad! This escalates to sneaky sex in the locker room as Joey tries to prove that dude-bros aren't the only thirsty people at gyms!

GI Joey 在 'Daddy's ValeDICKtorian'

GI Joey - Daddy's ValeDICKtorian

Madison could not wait to get home on report card day. Her step father promised her if she got all A's he would eat her pussy. It's time to pay up old man. A deal is a deal so her step father Joey honors it by eating her pussy as promised. This only makes her more horny. She wants to fuck. Joey proceeds to knock the bottom out of her young teen pussy. Hot sweaty sex becomes her new reward. With his cum on her face, she promises to get good grades for the rest of the year if it will always ends like this.

Natasha Nice 在 'Holiday Hotwife Hustle'

Natasha Nice - Holiday Hotwife Hustle

Married couple Brad & Natasha are on a vacation road trip to spice up their love life as things have been a little too predictable as of late. They stop at the in-laws, hunky Joey & his lusty trophy wife Jennie. The get-together encourages the bored couple to inject some much-needed passion into their lives with a little help from their friends!

GI Joey 在 'Fuck It Out of the System'

GI Joey - Fuck It Out of the System

Chloe Cooper was tanning topless at the pool when her step dad GI Joey started to creep on her. Later in the shower he again started to peep on her. Chloe knew it was because of her breasts. This had to stop. Her step dad had to get this out of his system. She was determined to fuck it out. She asked him to join her in the shower and touch her breasts. Then she sucked his dick. They moved to the living room and Joey ate her pussy. Then they fucked. They fucked like they didn't get properly fucked in years. They did it in all imaginable positions until Joey s**t is cum in her mouth. She swallowed it all.

GI Joey 在 'Help Me Go Viral Daddy'

GI Joey - Help Me Go Viral Daddy

Lila love's heart gets broken from a breakup initiated by her boyfriend the same day she's supposed to produce content with him. Joey, her stepdad tries to console and see if he can help solve the problem to which lila says he needs to fuck her on camera to save her show. Will joey be the ultimate stepdad?

GI Joey 在 'Busty Babe Gets Fucked on The Bus'

GI Joey - Busty Babe Gets Fucked on The Bus

This chick was walking alone in the rain and BangBros as the gentlemen we are decide to help her out. We cant let a damsel just walk in the rain to just get wet with no dick like thats unfathomable its blasphemy so we pick her up and take her for a ride with the sturdy GI Joey taking the wheel Alexa has quite the time getting fucked and getting paid.

Eriq Dikkerson 在 'Mean Secretary 2 - Carmen Valentina'

Eriq Dikkerson - Mean Secretary 2 - Carmen Valentina

Eriq?s secretary found out a few secrets about him. Secrets like how he has been using the company?s money for partying and buying things for himself. He knows that if he doesn?t do whatever she says, people will find out all about his secrets. She humiliates him in front of one of his employees and then makes him get on his knees and kiss her feet. She makes him worship her ass while she laughs at him? he used to be the boss but now he works for her! CARMEN VALENTINA IS AN AMAZING DOMME? THIS IS ONE OF OUR HOTTEST SCENES OF THE YEAR! ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, SPITTING, AND MORE!

Lilly James 在 'The Final DickDown'

Lilly James - The Final DickDown

Lilly gets a visit from her trainer she's interested in getting her workouts at home in a comfortable setting. Joey is looking really good to illy tho and decides she wants some dick as a workout joey catches on fast and decides to give her the full body work out package. Who said you couldn't work and have fun at the same time? Let the cardio exercise begin!

GI Joey 在 'Coochie for a Cookie'

GI Joey - Coochie for a Cookie

Dani Diaz was selling cookies. Actually she needed to sell them so desperately that when GI Joey refused to buy a box she offered him a blowjob in return. That sounded like a fair deal. GI Joey decided to buy 10 boxes of cookies and get a most wonderful blowjob. He bought another 10 boxes of cookies and in return Dani Diaz decided to fuck him. So they fucked and fucked and didn't eat any cookies since the prop guy didn't get any. She was riding him cowgirl style, he was fucking her doggy. They spooned, they mished. In the end he came in her face.

Brookie Blair 在 'PAWG Step Daughter Gets Creamed'

Brookie Blair - PAWG Step Daughter Gets Creamed

G.I. Joey is getting deep throated by one of his favorite step daughters Brookie Blair. Her ass is so fat you wanna rub your face in it, unless of course she spreads her legs and offers you a hot fresh plate of steaming pussy to munch out on. G.I. Joey gives and receives head before fucking his freshly showered step daughter hard on the couch. He bends her over and pipes her down like a plumber in the pussy. When he's done stroking her vagina he busts his creamy nut sack juice inside her fat pussy.

GI Joey 在 'Teaching Her an Important Lesson'

GI Joey - Teaching Her an Important Lesson

Stepdad Joey loves his drum set, he's worked really hard to get them and doesn't want anyone to touch them. Especially, his stepdaughter Sawyer who likes to whatever she likes. Joey warns her not to touch his drum set. Does she listen? No, and this causes for Sawyer to get punished by her stepdad. She has to now please him by sucking him off and getting banged in all positions in the living room sofa.

Carmen Valentina 在 'fucking in the couch with her small ass'

Carmen Valentina - fucking in the couch with her small ass

Carmen Valentina's boyfriend is graduating from school soon, so she seeks help from his best friend Ryan to help her throw him a party. She wants to plan the shindig for the weekend, but Ryan no-can-do since he's got to fly out of town. But when the sexy blonde offers her boyfriend's best bud a blowjob if he gives her a hand! Ryan accepts her offer, which evolves into a sweaty, all-out fuck! Nothing like banging your friend's hot girl to throw you a party!

Carmen Valentina 在 'A Horny Housewife's Fantasy'

Carmen Valentina - A Horny Housewife's Fantasy

Carmen Valentina has had it with her boring life as a housewife. Packing lunches every morning, running errands, the endless chores; life has grown too mundane for this hot and horny MILF. To top it all off, her husband can't even fuck her properly! On the day Carmen says 'Fuck it!' and goes for a drive with no destination in mind, she comes across a pair of young lovers, Anna Chambers and Oliver Flynn, who open her eyes to a world of sexual indulgence and debauchery unlike anything she's ever experienced. Invited into their home, Anna and Oliver seduce Carmen, whose inner desire for wild sex is satiated with an intense threesome, giving her a temporary erotic escape from the life she's left back home.

Carmen Valentina 在 'and Lisey Sweet - Cuckold Sessions'

Carmen Valentina - Cuckold Sessions

Mistress Carmen & Goddess Lisey are having the very best of days starting off with being pampered by their sissy maids they share stories of the Real Men to follow. After a short bit of sissy discipline the Ladies are off to greet the Sexy Big Cocked Men waiting for them. What follows is bacchanal. A depraved display of sweaty hard fucking unlike you have seen before. The sissy maids are there for lube and towels to keep their Dominants in the sex heaven they seek. A couple of creampies and facials later and the Ladies are ready for the clean up from the serving sissy tongues.

Carmen Valentina 在 '- Glory Hole'

Carmen Valentina - Glory Hole

Carmen is just coming from a wedding all dressed in her best hoping to have gotten some or at least met someone at the wedding to fuck after the reception. But the Wedding was a dud, not one cute guy and Carmen knows if she is gonna get through this reception she needs to get off first. So a little detour on the way there takes her to the Glory Hole to get some. Her Brides Maid dress up around her waist and playing with herself and here come the Cocks hard and hungry for her. Her cousin of course calls her from the reception asking where she is. She tells him she will be right there in a few with a big kiss for Grandma. She enthusiastically milks both Dicks and fucks them till she is dripping cum from her pussy and mouth. Finally a happy girl, she dresses and gets back to the reception.

Carmen Valentina 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 2'

Carmen Valentina - Blacks On Blondes

Carmen recently opened her own business. Her life long dream was to open a day spa and offer clients a relaxing meditational escape. Unfortunately things have not worked out so well and the business has been dying. Behind on her bills and facing being evicted she had even turned to hard money lenders for additional funds. Now those funds are due and the moneyman has come a calling. His name is Tee and he is a hard pimpin hustler who wants some sort of payment now. Rolling in with his crew he figures if he can't get a stack of green then him and his boys are going to get a handful of pussy. And wow do they ever. Carmen relieved to be finally paying back some bills sucks and rides those cocks like her life depends on it. She is literally power fucking all of them. Gagging on cock and getting her uterus hammered by massive man pipe, she is rooting and rutting like a pig in heat. It's a sweaty day in the day spa as a train runs deep in her dripping pussy until final nuts are busted and she is drenched and filled with jizm. Now that is one Zen like moment.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Carmen Valentina: The Brutal Bondage Basics!'

Carmen Valentina - Carmen Valentina: The Brutal Bondage Basics!

Since Hogtied started, there have been several styles, and riggers that have been featured on these pages. The one style that has been shared by all of them is the traditional basic bondage style. It's not showing off. It's not overly stylized. It's simply effective bondage that renders the model totally helpless in tight ropes. Today we have a classic bondage shoot featuring a smoking hot model, Carmen Valentina. Carmen begins in a standing position with her hands above her head and her legs spread wide. A large red ball gag makes her mouth drool, which drips down her body and makes it glisten. The Pope takes his time tormenting her with different implements before giving her her the first of many orgasms. Next Carmen is in a traditional hogtie suspension. She gets flogged on her pussy before a crop is used to precisely attack the sensitive spots on her body as he holds a vibe against her pussy. She is not allowed to cum until he says so, and he is in the mood for some tease and denial. The Pope introduces a large dildo and fucks Carmen's mouth before shoving it inside her pussy. The orgasms pour out of her pussy before he exits the scene. The final scene is upon us and Carmen is on her back with her legs up and spread. The Pope puts rubber bands on her feet to start the suffering. What follows is the most intense bastinado that Carmen has ever had to endure. The day is finished up with more pussy fucking and non stop orgasms.

Lana Sharapova 在 'and Carmen Valentina - Watching My Daughter Go Black'

Lana Sharapova - Watching My Daughter Go Black

Carmen's step daughter Lana is always getting in trouble so Carmen is on high alert 24/7. She catches Lana trying to sneak off to school in booty shorts and a see-through top and insists she change. Lana does, but swaps out see-through for a super-crop top, her under boob pouring out and leaves for school saying she doesn't have time for this. Within minutes, Carmen sees Lana outside on her husband's friend's lap! Carmen has had it. She tells Jax her husband isn't home and demands that Lana get off of him. Lana reminds Carmen that she isn't her real mom or the boss of her. She pulls out Jax's dick and coyly suggests Carmen try saying something about that. After vigorous sucks, Carmen slips off her blazer and tells Lana to step aside, she's got some dick-sucking pointers for her daughter. If she's going to do it, she better do it right: black men are so much better than those Lacrosse players Lana usually hangs around and she's going to need to step it up to be worthy of BBC!!!

Carmen Valentina 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Carmen Valentina - Watching My Mom Go Black

Carmen Valentina has a son, and he's an 18-year-old virgin. His name is Juan, and Carmen and Juan have a very special relationship. They can talk about anything...even difficult subjects. For example, when Juan first told Carmen he was a virgin, it was easy. That's how close they are! And when Juan asked, 'Mommy, I know this sounds kinda creepy, but how do real men make love?' Carmen was taken back. She thought it was so sweet that her son would feel comfortable asking her such a question, Carmen took it a step farther: one day, after Juan was done with school, Carmen had two buffed, well-endowed studs come over to service front of Juan! The studs were down, and even though Juan was a bit surprised (at first), soon Juan found the whole thing intriguing! And when it began to turn him on, Juan pulled out his dick and began to masturbate! 'Oh!' Carmen exclaimed. 'I see why your nick name is 'El Caballo! You're never going to have to worry about your gal cheating on you! Your father, on the other hand!...' Yes, Juan learned a few valuable lessons today, straight from mommy dearest...and ones, we're sure, he'll never forget!

Carmen Valentina 在 'Sexual Therapy 2'

Carmen Valentina - Sexual Therapy 2

Carmen has had her eye on her patient James for a while. Staring at his cock through his jeans as her panties moisten. She convinces him to undergo hypnosis when she makes her move. She may have gotten more than she asked for as he fucks her hard and leaves his load deep inside her.

Carmen Valentina 在 '- Interracial Blowbang'

Carmen Valentina - Interracial Blowbang

If I've told you once, I'll tell you a thousand times: beware of your wife and her 'personal trainer'. Unless you're a cuckold, it's a recipe for disaster. Most of the time, her personal trainer will make the move, but today, super-slut Carmen Valentina is all over him! Just look at her, working out with her titties almost hanging completely out and making lewd jokes. It gets so bad, the personal trainer stops her in the middle of the workout to have a 'talk'. The only issue? All the other Bulls in the gym have been hearing all of Carmen's dirty, raunchy jokes, and they're now circling their prey...and slowly closing in. It doesn't take long for Carmen to drop to her knees, her warm, eager mouth looking to please the entire gym! They're black and hung and horny -- even hornier than Carmen! They'll even manage to get Carmen on the bench press, not to work out, but to use her wet, pink cunt and her mouth at the same time! This pushes the Bulls over their edge, and soon they're poppin' like fireworks on Independence Day! The best part might have been the Bulls circling Carmen as she jerked off to gushing orgasms as the jizz slowly dripped down her petite body. By the end of this 'workout' everyone's exhausted!!!

Carmen Valentina 在 'and Daizy Cooper - Glory Hole'

Carmen Valentina - Glory Hole

Daizy Cooper and Carmen Valentina made for an odd pair of 'besties'. Daizy is just 19; Carmen is a married MILF. Daizy is a true slut; Carmen is a 'wanna-be'. So when Daizy takes Carmen to Daizy's favorite adult bookstore, Carmen's a bit taken back...even though she's dressed like a slut. What Carmen doesn't know is Daizy's about to initiate Carmen in to being a True Black Cock Slut. After Daizy schools Carmen on 'BBC', Daizy leads Carmen back to Video Booth Number 7 -- where it all goes down. Just watch the expressions on both girls' faces when 10 inches of black meat pops through 'the hole'. Watch Daizy encourage (almost force?) Carmen to do slutty things. And perhaps the very best part of the girls' adventure? When Carmen takes a cream pie from a total stranger...and Daizy cleans up after him!!

Carmen Valentina 在 'and Gia Paloma - Cuckold Sessions'

Carmen Valentina - Cuckold Sessions

Our Cuckold Session opens today with two of what might be the most evil Cuckoldreses we're ever met: Gia Paloma and Carmen Valentina. Just listen in to their private, 'girl conversation'! After dishing out all their dirty secrets about their 'white boy experiences', the two drag out their Gimp. All that white boy talk has the two Black Cock Sluts all riled up, and who better to take out all their white boy frustrations than a Cuckboi who refers to himself as 'Fluffy Slave'? After a rather harsh round of humiliation, Carmen tells Gia, 'I've got a surprise!' It turns out Carmen's surprise is none other than the legendary Mandingo. How in the world can Fluffy ever compare to almost 14 inches of rock hard black meat? Both girls take turns getting their mouths and cunts stretched to the max before 'Dingo' drops a big load all over the two whores. It's clean up time for Fluffy, who's been locked down in chastity since the session began. And after it's all said and done, he'll be left alone to ponder his own silly existence.

Carmen Valentina 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Carmen Valentina - Blacks On Blondes

Carmen Valentina is a self-proclaimed "soccer mom"...and she's employed by a big internet firm as a project manager. She has a team of people under her, and she directs them to create web sites. Today she's excited, because through a referral, she's just landed five potential clients. There's just one issue: they all want pornographic websites built! "Oh no! I can't take that kind of business!" Carmen says. Which is about when one of the Bulls stands up and says, "can you take this kind of business?" and then he pulls out close to 10 inches of black meat. Carmen can't believe her eyes. Certainly, her husband's penis isn't that fact, she's never seen one like this in her life! With her guard now down, Carmen does something she hasn't done in all her 30 years: a gang bang!! But she couldn't help herself. Five young, handsome men -- "Bulls", some say -- and after the first one pulled his huge cock out, they all did...and all five were just as big! Naturally, Carmen quit thinking about Hubby and fell to her knees to service the Bulls with her open, willing mouth. Then, her hot, pink cunt was being stretched like she had never felt. After our Bulls ran their train on the willing housewife, not one -- but two -- filled her womb with their hot spunk. "But I'm not on birth control!" The other three, not wanting BABY DADDY status, dropped larger loads in her mouth and all over her face. And it looks like Carmen's going to take them on as clients after all!!

Carmen Valentina 在 'Dirty Little Secrets'

Carmen Valentina - Dirty Little Secrets

Watch out: blonde bombshell Naomi Woods is as bad as babysitter's come! Chad White and Carmen Valentina come home from a rough day to find Naomi lounging in her t-shirt and cutoffs, and as soon as Carmen isn't looking Naomi pounces on Chad. Naomi even gives Chad a naughty blowjob while his wife is on the other side of the kitchen island! Then Carmen sneaks off to the shower to masturbate the day away, and while she lathers up her tits and pussy, Chad carries petite Naomi over to the couch for a doggystyle fucking. Naomi bounces on Chad's cock and makes a ruckuss, and Carmen catches them off guard. But Carmen has a surprise for the both of them they weren't counting on: she loves watching hot young sluts suck cock. She wants Naomi to make Chad beg for her pussy, and has her husband fuck the babysitter like a good whore while Naomi squeals likes dirty girl. This threesome is so hot it has to be seen to be believed.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Toy With Me'

Carmen Valentina - Toy With Me

At 30 years old, short mom Carmen Valentina still loves to play with toys. Watch this stacked short milf as she peels off her bra and thong, and then warms her boobs and ass up with long caresses. Once her trimmed twat is ready, she presses her fingers and a dildo deep inside until she cums.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Sexy Fun'

Carmen Valentina - Sexy Fun

All natural mom Carmen Valentina is just in from a night on the town. The horny housewife peels off her evening gown to reveal a shapely short figure and a thong that hugs her curvy ass. Once she is out of her underwear, she hops onto a stool to finger her trimmed cunt.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Foxy Milf'

Carmen Valentina - Foxy Milf

Stunning lingerie hugs every generous curve as 30 year old Carmen Valentina shows off her short, sweet figure. As she works her way out of the sheer material, she plays with her hanging natural boobs and firm ass before pushing a toy deep into her cock craving creamy fuck hole.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Bombshell Babe'

Carmen Valentina - Bombshell Babe

Stunning housewife Carmen Valentina is 30 and horny. Slipping out of her work clothes, this mature mom caresses her firm ass and perfect knockers as she peels off her bra and thong. Only then does she give in to her cravings to finger bang her cum hungry hairy fuck hole.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Garden Hoes'

Carmen Valentina - Garden Hoes

Megan Rain and her college boyfriend Ulan are working outside in the garden. Ulan just wants to be nice and help Megan's stepmom, Carmen Valentina, with the yard work. But Ms. Valentina has a naughtier idea involving the seduction of this cute teen couple! She “accidentally” sprays Megan with the garden hose as a ruse to get her inside and get her clothing off. They go inside, and Megan's well aware of what Carmen's up to: she wants Megan's tight pussy all to herself! Ulan enters the laundry room to see where these two sluts are is and is shocked…to find them completely naked and fucking! Carmen takes control of the situation by demonstrating a good blowjob to her stepdaughter, before teaching these two college students about what a good fucking is! Ulan should have known that when Carmen and Megan spring into action, these slutty garden hoes will get you sprung instantly!

Carmen Valentina 在 'Training Carmen Valentina'

Carmen Valentina - Training Carmen Valentina

Carmen Valentina submits to slave trainer Charles Dera in a sloppy hot bondage and sex movie!

Carmen Valentina 在 'If The Bra Fits, Fuck It'

Carmen Valentina - If The Bra Fits, Fuck It

Carmen Valentina is desperate for some new lingerie ever since her husband has stopped fucking her. All Carmen wants is to look and feel sexy but unfortunately her husband just doesn't seem to be all that supportive when it comes to her tits. When Ms. Valentina catches Jessy Jones, a horny salesman, peeking into her changing room, she decides to take advantage of the horny pervert!

Carmen Valentina 在 'Big Dick In A Little Chick 2'

Carmen Valentina - Big Dick In A Little Chick 2

Carmen Valentina is one small little girl with a tiny pussy. But when she wants to suck start a cock, she hopes it grows big and thick so it will stretch her to her limits and fill her tiny snatch. Cum watch as Carmen sucks and fucks a hard cock until it explodes a hot load!

Carmen Valentina 在 'Sweet cheeks'

Carmen Valentina - Sweet cheeks

Levi and I were holding down my buddies security camera store as this hot Mommy strolled in. She was the typical Mother in distress. They are all over S. Florida if you haven't noticed. She was keeping her cool and not showing off her desperation. Most women are good at that until they get into a bind. Levi and I found her clutch which was protecting her kids and home from the crazy ex husband, but can't afford the major security upgrade. We were offering a sweet deal, and we finally got her to say the what we wanted to hear, I'll do anything, I need this. One quick kiss, and her sweet fat but cheeks were getting smacked around. When she got turned on, she really let us know. She took charge and help make a mess of the office. She was bouncing like crazy on Levi's cock. I am surprised the desk stayed up. Levi got his nut, I got the video, and she got her cameras.