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Alexis Malone,Apollo Banks 在 'Naughty America' - Dirty Wives Club (Dirty Wives Club)


發布 : 10月25日, 2023
標籤 : 4K, 美國, 屁股抖動, 阿茨打, 球舔, 大迪克, 大假的tits, 大山雀, 金發, 吹工作, 棕色眼睛, 泡泡屁股, 高加索, 作弊, 中出, , 深喉, 骯髒的妻子俱樂部, , Doggystyle, 臉他媽的, 假 Tits, 他媽的, 手工作, 內衣, 徐娘半老, 淘氣的美國, 爪子, , 貓吃, 貓咪舔, 反向女牛仔, 性感, , 絲襪, 紋身, , 蒂蒂 幹, 修剪

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圖片來自 Alexis Malone,Apollo Banks 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club

Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 1)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 13)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 26)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 39)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 52)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 65)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 78)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 91)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 104)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 117)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 130)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 143)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 156)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 169)
Alexis Malone 在 'Naughty America' Dirty Wives Club (縮略圖 181)

更多 'Naughty America' 場景來自 Alexis Malone,Apollo Banks

Alexis Malone 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Alexis Malone - My First Sex Teacher


Alexis Malone 在 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Alexis Malone - My Wife's Hot Friend

Lucky與他妻子的朋友亞歷克西斯·馬龍(Alexis Malone)有染,這種情況已經發生了很長一段時間。他們喜歡在邊緣做愛,就像讓他們的另一半打電話,同時被吸走。Lucky有一個道德問題,因為他想回到他的妻子身邊,但與此同時,沒有人像亞歷克西斯那樣操他。就在他準備離開的時候,Lucky發現Alexis穿著性感的透明內衣,很明顯他無法控制自己。

Alexis Malone 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Alexis Malone - My Friend's Hot Mom

亞歷克西斯·馬龍(Alexis Malone)正在裝飾她的樹,這時她兒子的朋友泰勒(Tyler)停下來尋找他的朋友。亞歷克西斯實際上可以使用泰勒的建議,因為她想知道她的克勞斯夫人的衣服是否太暴露而不適合在耶誕節穿。所以亞歷克西斯把它扔了出去,讓泰勒看了看。泰勒喜歡它,但泰勒喜歡性感的女人,而亞歷克西斯是一個炙手可熱的熟女。亞歷克西斯很高興泰勒喜歡它,因為他非常喜歡它,所以讓他早點拿到聖誕禮物,讓他把衣服從她身上扯下來,傻傻地操她。祝大家XXXmas快樂,祝所有人好心。

Alexis Malone 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Alexis Malone - My Friend's Hot Mom

亞歷克西斯·馬龍(Alexis Malone)在聚會后正在打掃衛生,唯一留下來幫忙的人是她兒子的朋友泰勒。亞歷克西斯知道泰勒有多可愛,並希望報答他所有的説明。她穿上性感的內衣,邀請泰勒的雞巴搗打她緊窄濕潤的熟婦陰戶,直到他爆炸。

Victoria Zdrok 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Victoria Zdrok - My Friend's Hot Mom


Jessica Starling 在 'My Girl Loves Anal'

Jessica Starling - My Girl Loves Anal


Capri Cavanni 在 'needs a big cock deep in her wet pussy'

Capri Cavanni - Thundercock

卡普里·卡瓦尼(Capri Cavanni)在辦公室度過了漫長的辛苦一天,回家了,是時候放鬆一下了。卡普里島通過一個應用程式設置了一個由朋友建議的約會物件,該應用程式可以根據您的喜好匹配公雞大小。她選擇了一隻比以往任何時候都大的公雞,並且絕對以前所未有的方式崇拜它。

Lexi Luna 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Lexi Luna - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lexi Luna和她女兒的朋友阿波羅一起回家,阿波羅在她眼中是一個偉大的人。她不明白他為什麼不和女兒約會,他這麼紳士,長得好看,雞巴也挺大。萊克西最近一直處於孤獨的一面,有被性交的衝動,誰更適合接受這個性感的熟女?阿波羅的大雞巴深入,將萊克西一路帶到了不歸路。

Sara Jay 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

薩拉·傑伊(Sara Jay)正在代替阿波羅的普通醫生進行年度體檢。他非常驚訝他朋友的媽媽正在做他的檢查,看到他已經盯著那些大奶子和她那多汁的大戰利品一段時間了。阿波羅跳動的大雞巴需要一些醫生的照顧,薩拉傑伊博士可以勝任這項任務。

Natalie Brooke 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Natalie Brooke - My Friend's Hot Mom


Liz Jordan 在 'wants her friend's brother's big cock'

Liz Jordan - My Sister's Hot Friend


Bunny Madison 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Bunny Madison - My First Sex Teacher


Queenie Sateen 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Queenie Sateen - My Sister's Hot Friend

奎妮·薩汀(Queenie Sateen)得到了她朋友的兄弟阿波羅(Apollo)的拜訪,以從她的混蛋前男友那裡取回手機。阿波羅有一些時間可以殺人,所以他同意和她一起放鬆。奎妮一直喜歡阿波羅,聽說他的雞巴有多大,只會讓她更想勾搭。如果阿波羅能保守這個勾搭的秘密,他就會滑倒,滑倒奎妮緊窄濕潤的陰戶。

Sarah Jessie 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sarah Jessie - My Friend's Hot Mom


Rachael Cavalli 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Rachael Cavalli - My First Sex Teacher

阿波羅和他的女朋友發生了爭執,因為她採取了一個阿波羅不知道如何取悅她的舉動,變得非常緊張,他的老師瑞秋·卡瓦利注意到事情進展不順利,所以她想説明阿波羅做任何他需要的事情,即使是他的私人 老師!!

Kenzie Anne 在 'Naughty America'

Kenzie Anne - Naughty America

金髮寶貝肯齊·安妮(Kenzie Anne)發現她的車道上裝滿了垃圾,因為自從她和她的丈夫燒烤以來,她的鄰居阿波羅試圖撞到她,不尊重她的丈夫。從那以後,他一直在不停地欺負她的丈夫,現在是時候停止了。肯齊邀請阿波羅過來談談這件事,但他有一些想法。阿波羅只想把他的大雞巴插進肯齊的已婚陰道里。

Slimthick Vic 在 'Naughty America'

Slimthick Vic - Naughty America


Alexa Payne 在 'can't resist her son's friend's big cock'

Alexa Payne - My Friend's Hot Mom

Alexa Payne正試圖決定度假時穿什麼內衣,並從她兒子的朋友阿波羅那裡得到了一些建議。她不想在阿波羅面前完全赤身裸體,除非他願意赤身裸體。按照他的吩咐,他掏出他的大雞巴,Alexa無法抗拒這個大小,必須放在她的嘴裏。讓我們希望她的兒子不會發現她只是他媽的好朋友。

Charli Phoenix 在 'Wives on Vacation'

Charli Phoenix - Wives on Vacation

查理·費尼克斯和派珀出版社正在一起度假,作為與丈夫的度假。在游泳池放鬆身心後,前往度假村享受按摩服務。康西格同時照顧他們倆 - 用他的大雞巴滿足他們濕漉漉的陰道的額外服務!

Riley Reign 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Riley Reign - My Sister's Hot Friend

Riley Reign來找她的朋友,但她仍然在外面。阿波羅說他的妹妹暫時不會回家,所以萊利利用了這種情況。她很好奇,想知道這個謠言是否屬實。阿波羅真的有一個巨大的雞巴嗎?

Kayla Paige 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Kayla Paige - My First Sex Teacher


Armani Black 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Armani Black - My First Sex Teacher

阿瑪尼·布萊克(Armani Black)發現她的學生阿波羅(Apollo)一直在偷她的考試答卷。她有半心半意地把他變成院長,讓阿波羅被趕出學校,但阿波羅願意做任何事情來防止他被趕出學校。碰巧的是,阿瑪尼最近一直需要公雞,因為她和阿波羅在她的課堂上都是孤獨的,她認為阿波羅是這份工作的最佳人選。阿波羅除了為了留在學校而把腦子搞砸了,還能做些什麼呢?

Piper Press 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Piper Press - Neighbor Affair

派珀·普雷斯(Piper Press)看到她的鄰居阿波羅(Apollo)正在修剪她的草坪,當她要求丈夫解僱他時,她有點困惑。阿波羅解釋說,她的丈夫給了他1000美元的預付款來修剪草坪。派珀知道,她丈夫給阿波羅這麼多錢的唯一原因是因為阿波羅有點欺負人。派珀希望阿波羅離開並把錢還給她,但阿波羅同意的唯一方法就是她騎著他的大雞巴。一旦派珀看了看他的雞巴到底有多大,她就非常願意答應了。

Eliza Ibarra 在 'has a surprise for her friend's brother'

Eliza Ibarra - My Sister's Hot Friend

伊莉莎·伊瓦拉(Eliza Ibarra)很早就結束了她朋友的兄弟,阿波羅的驚喜生日派對。自從她和他妹妹成為朋友以來,她一直想要他的雞巴。她真的知道如何吸吮和操一些雞巴,所以阿波羅有一天他永遠不會忘記。

Brittany Andrews 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Brittany Andrews - Big Cock Bully

布列塔尼·安德魯斯(Brittany Andrews)計劃出人意料地去看望她的兒子。她到了他的地方,但當她意識到他不在家時,她給他打了個電話。在打電話時,布列塔尼的兒子透露,他的室友欺負他,讓他住在較小的房間里,即使布列塔尼的兒子支付了更多的租金。布列塔尼沒有這些,所以她走到她兒子的室友面前,要求他給她的兒子更大的房間,但他的室友不會讓步,除非布列塔尼能讓他射精。沒有其他選擇,布列塔尼拿走那根大雞巴!

Ailee Anne 在 'jumps out of the shower and onto her friend's brother's cock'

Ailee Anne - My Sister's Hot Friend

艾莉·安妮(Ailee Anne)正在她朋友家洗澡時,她用內褲抓住了她朋友的兄弟阿波羅。阿波羅會做任何事情,只要艾莉不告訴他的妹妹這件事。艾莉決定阿波羅可以做一件事,那就是鞭打他的雞巴,讓艾莉騎那個壞男孩。

Natalia Nix 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Natalia Nix - My Sister's Hot Friend

娜塔莉亞·尼克斯(Natalia Nix)正在她朋友的家裡閒逛,拍了一些自己的照片,這時她朋友的兄弟阿波羅(Apollo)來了。阿波羅說服納塔利婭讓他拍攝照片。納塔利婭同意了,阿波羅很快就脫下了她的上衣拍照。納塔利婭認為她是唯一一個沾滿油的裸體人是不公平的,所以她説明阿波羅脫掉衣服,給他上油,然後在他的雞巴上彈跳。

Rachael Cavalli 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Rachael Cavalli - Big Cock Bully

Rachael Cavalli的兒子被欺負了,在發現Rachael后立即與惡霸阿波羅見面。瑞秋向阿波羅提供了錢,以阻止欺負她的兒子,但阿波羅唯一的興趣是布斯汀『一個瘋子。所以他給她做了一筆交易,如果瑞秋能讓他射精,那麼他就會讓她的兒子獨自一人,一個媽媽必須做媽媽必須做的事情!

Mae Milano 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Mae Milano - My Sister's Hot Friend

Mae Milano 在她朋友的家裡停下來,開始與她朋友的書兄弟阿波羅交談。阿波羅正忙著學習時,梅髮現自己是處女。Mae不能讓她朋友的兄弟錯過所有有趣的性愛,所以她從他手中拍打書,在沙發上搖晃著他的處女雞巴,

Reagan Foxx 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Reagan Foxx - Big Cock Bully


Riley Reid 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Riley Reid - Big Cock Bully

里安·裡德(Ryan Reid)為她的男朋友挺身而出 - 她厭倦了她男朋友的朋友阿波羅,挑剔他。她在阿波羅的家停下來,讓他和他談談這件事。不過,只有一件事可以讓阿波羅停下來,一些好濕的陰道。她同意操阿波羅,只要他答應停止欺淩。阿波羅同意了,並用他的大雞巴給了她一生的他媽的。

Ryan Reid 在 'Thundercock'

Ryan Reid - Thundercock


Armani X 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Armani X - My Sister's Hot Friend

Armani X曾計劃和她的朋友Brie一起出去玩,但當她出現在她的地方時,家裡唯一的人是她朋友的兄弟Apollo。他是一名按摩治療師,正在為他的一位客戶準備房間。阿瑪尼說服他給她按摩,因為她的朋友拋棄了她,阿波羅的客戶也不在那裡。當他在她的身上施展魔法時,阿瑪尼變得角質,讓他揉搓她的混蛋和濕漉漉的陰道。最終,他們同意在他們兩人之間保密,並在按摩床上敲打它。

Madison Morgan 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Madison Morgan - My First Sex Teacher


Piper Press 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Piper Press - My Friend's Hot Mom


Bunny Madison 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Bunny Madison - Big Cock Bully


Victoria Lobov 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Victoria Lobov - My Friend's Hot Mom

維多利亞·洛博夫(Victoria Lobov)剛剛站起來約會,非常沮喪。她兒子的朋友阿波羅不明白為什麼。像她這樣的奶子,誰能把它們拒之門外!?阿波羅需要在臥室里看到他們,但是如果他最好的朋友發現阿波羅的雞巴在他媽媽的大奶子之間滑動,他會怎麼想?

Sara Jay 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom


London River 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

London River - My First Sex Teacher


Payton Preslee 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Payton Preslee - My Sister's Hot Friend

在網路採訪時,佩頓·普雷斯利(Payton Preslee)得到了一張迪克照片來評分。她意識到她正在看的公雞屬於她朋友的兄弟阿波羅。為了讓這一切保持在低谷,他們同意讓它上去,互相舔,他媽的,互相吸吮,也許開始自己的網路攝像頭節目。

Jasmine Jae 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Jasmine Jae - My Friend's Hot Mom


Charli Phoenix 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Charli Phoenix - Big Cock Bully

查理·費尼克斯(Charli Phoenix)的兒子被欺負了。因此,當她碰巧在公共場合偶然看到她兒子的惡霸阿波羅時,她會阻止他和他聊一會兒。不過,這沒什麼用,阿波羅沒有承諾讓她的兒子獨自一人。出於各種想法,查理把阿波羅帶回她的地方,進行了最後一次嘗試。她跪在地上,吹了阿波羅,然後把他的大雞巴插進了她的體內。這就是阿波羅同意停止欺淩所需要的一切。

Naomi Foxxx 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Naomi Foxxx - My Friend's Hot Mom

Naomi Foxxx正在家洗衣服,她一打開兒子的房間門,就驚訝地發現她兒子的朋友阿波羅在做她兒子的作業!她認為阿波羅被困在學校里做東西,而她懶惰的兒子在外面玩得開心是不公平的。娜奧米決定給阿波羅一個美好的時光,並向他展示一些他以前從未做過的特殊性愛姿勢。

Reagan Foxx 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Reagan Foxx - Big Cock Bully

雷根·福克斯(Reagan Foxx)有了新的鄰居,不幸的是,他們碰巧是一個兄弟會,大聲地播放他們的音樂。雷根的丈夫試圖讓他們拒絕音樂,但他們不尊重他。雷根打電話給其中一個兄弟會男孩阿波羅,試圖讓他們停止大聲播放他們的音樂,並讓他們尊重她的丈夫,但阿波羅並不容易被說服。阿波羅只會接受一件事,讓他把兄弟會的音樂播放得更低,而那件事恰好是雷根的甜蜜陰道。雷根做了她需要做的事情,並他媽的阿波羅讓她的噩夢結束。

Alexis Malone 在 'takes a big young cock in the kitchen'

Alexis Malone - My Sister's Hot Friend

亞歷克西斯正在給她最好的朋友做點湯,她病得很厲害。詹姆斯來接他妹妹,但在她離開之前,他告訴亞歷克西斯一個小秘密。他迷戀她很久了, 現在該是他妹妹最好的朋友了!

來自其他網站的場景特色 Alexis Malone,Apollo Banks

Bunny Madison 在 'Anal Crazy MILFs Worship BBC'

Bunny Madison - Anal Crazy MILFs Worship BBC

A former groupie is now a label exec's wife and talent scout. When she needs to determine if an up-and-comer has staying power, she calls in an old friend to help test his endurance.

Sienna Rae 在 'BBC Crazy Office MILF Sienna Goes Airtight'

Sienna Rae - BBC Crazy Office MILF Sienna Goes Airtight

Sienna might be a ball buster and a power player, but never let it be said that she doesn't know how to reward her employees... or the value of hard work.

Sasha Tatcha 在 'Gotcha, Sasha Tatcha'

Sasha Tatcha - Gotcha, Sasha Tatcha

We pulled up on Sasha today, and first thing I noticed was her perfect bubble ass busting out her cheeky shorts. After failing miserably to get her attention, I went to money. A hundred dollars just to talk to us. She seemed fun, so I asked her if I could buy her panties. She was reluctant at first but changed her tune when I offered three hundred for them. She jumped at the chance and cut them off for us. I was about to let her go, but she was looking to hot. So, I asked her would she let us wet her t shirt for five hundred. She agreed but only in the van because we started to attract an audience. Apollo pours the water on her shirt and ends up getting her all wet. I told her I would give her a thousand to get naked and let me dry her clothes for her. After she gets naked Apollo pulls off a genius move and spills water all over himself. He needs his clothes dried now as well. He gets naked and Sasha eyes go straight for his dick. Apollo asks if she wants to touch it and she does. Then he tells her it grows in your mouth not in your hands. Sasha begins blowing him. Sure enough Apollo's dick got fat and stiff. Sasha couldn't help but want it inside of her. They started fucking, but then Sasha stops him and surprised us all. She said she wanted him to put it in her asshole. Appollo obliged, scared he was going to hurt her, but he didn't realize Sasha is not an amateur. She made him pound her shit hole until he could no longer hold back his nut anymore and released on her face. Sasha got off the bus happy, well fucked, and paid today.

Jenna Starr 在 'Horny Guys Cum Clean'

Jenna Starr - Horny Guys Cum Clean

Ralph and Apollo get way more than they bargained for, when they visit their friend Johnny's house. His Mom Jenna opens the door and she is stacked. She has the phattest ass busting out the bottom of the littlest shorts she can find. Huge tits also about to burst out of her crop top. She lets them know Johhny is not home, but they can wait on him inside while she cleans. As they sit and stare at Jenna's ass and tits recoiling all over as she cleans the kitchen; Ralph has had about as much as he can take. He whips his dick out and starts masturbating. Apollo begs him to cut it out, but the power of horniest is too strong and he joins Ralph in fapping. Jenna Catches them and they plead with her. She is looking way too good for them to have any self-control. She feels bad and doesn't want them to catch blue balls, so she lets them rub oil on her ass so they can have a good release. As the two worship her voluptuous ass and tits, Jenna is now horny as well and decides to have a cleaning day spit roast with her sons two friends. If you thought that ass was recoiling in the kitchen, it was going crazy as Apollo and Ralph were knocking it loose. They blasted her face with so much cum, leaving her with another mess to clean. She told them it was fun, but they should leave before her son gets home.

Alexis Malone 在 'Im Going To Devour Your Cock - S22:E5'

Alexis Malone - Im Going To Devour Your Cock - S22:E5

Trinity Olsen and her boyfriend Diego Perez are getting flirty on the couch when Diego’s stepmom Alexis Malone joins them. Diego grows increasingly embarrassed as Trinity and Alexis begin gossiping about him and his dad. He goes away to the bathroom, and when he comes back, the room is empty.Soon, Trinity returns wearing a shark outfit. She tries to tell Diego what she wants, but her shyness remains. Alexis is right there to help Trinity say she wants to swallow Diego’s dick. Of course, the curvy milf is there for more than moral support. She gets right on the couch with Trinity to hold Diego’s erection still and then suck it along with Trinity in a double deep throat BJ.Diego is putty in the girls’ hands as Alexis instructs him in a proper pussy eating. He gets to do his stepmom in doggy while Alexis continues Trinity’s pussy feast. Then Trinity climbs onto Diego for a cowgirl ride while Alexis continues to give pointers. She shows how to ride in reverse cowgirl, then puts Trinity on her back in the middle so Diego can bring Trinity off while Alexis rides Trinity’s tongue. Diego pulls out to nut on Trinity’s stomach, leaving the girls sated and knowing they’ll have to have many more threesomes in the future.

Apollo Banks 在 'Stepsisters Boob Wash - S33:E5'

Apollo Banks - Stepsisters Boob Wash - S33:E5

Apollo Banks has such a hot stepsister in Luna Luxe. The worst part of that is that Luna knows Apollo digs her. She uses that attraction to take Apollo's snacks and taunt him with cum talk.Later, wearing a tiny little shirt that she's hiding, Luna asks Apollo if he wants to see her tits. Of course he does! Although it was originally a prank, Luna immediately relents when Apollo offers to cum on her big naturals. She pops them out and lets him feel her up, then does some hands on exploring of her own.With nothing to keep the stepsiblings from going at each other, Luna soon has her puffy lips wrapped around Apollo's dick. He lets her fuck him in cowgirl and then gets her on her knees. After delivering a pussy fingering, Apollo dicks Luna down in doggy. Rolling Luna over, Apollo kneels between her thighs and makes her moan until fulfilling his promise to cum on her tits.

Cory Chase 在 'Strict Headmistress Gets DPed In Airtight Gangbang'

Cory Chase - Strict Headmistress Gets DPed In Airtight Gangbang

The dean of an elite college is charged with shaping her students into upright men. Their first lesson: how to treat a woman right.

Riley Jean 在 'Ripe for the Taking'

Riley Jean - Ripe for the Taking

Scarlett's life is driven by her desire to lose her virginity. She believes that if she can just lose her virginity, everything else will fall into place. Her naivety is endearing, but her intentions are pure. Scarlett is willing to do whatever it takes to get fucked by Ricky, the guy Scarlett has been eyeing. Athena helps Scarlett make the first move, but the catch is that Athena gets to join in on the fun. A threesome isn't exactly how Scarlett envisioned losing her virginity, but with no alternative, she jumps into the fire headfirst. However, the experience turned out to be better than she dreamed. The sex is thrilling, and Scarlett's heart pounds as Ricky fucks her hard. It doesn't seem like anything can take this moment away from Scarlett - that is, until she receives a heart-wrenching text informing Scarlett that she's lost both her parents in a fatal accident. Scarlett's whole world is turned upside down. She is forced to live with her godparents, Ryan and Molly, along with her new stepbrothers, Apollo and Jay. Unknown to Scarlett, the entire family is after her massive trust fund. They'll do anything to take her money, but they can't let her catch onto their little scheme. Her journey is sure to be filled with self-discovery, raunchy sex, betrayal, and more. Who will cum out on top in this deviant saga? Scarlett must do whatever it takes to stop her new family from taking control of her life.

Sarah Taylor 在 'Photographer Makes Sexy Blonde Sarah His Subject'

Sarah Taylor - Photographer Makes Sexy Blonde Sarah His Subject

When a young photographer spies a rich older woman at the beach, her appetite for adventure captivates him.

Amber Summer 在 'Your Stepbrother Has A Big Dick - S30:E11'

Amber Summer - Your Stepbrother Has A Big Dick - S30:E11

Apollo Banks has a new stepsister in Amber Summer. She and her friend Skyler Storm are hanging out in their bedroom looking at lingerie while Amber texts with her stepdad to try to get into his pants. When she gets a resounding no from her stepdaddy, she calls Apollo in. She's decided that if Apollo's dad has a nice dick, his son must too. She wants it.Making Apollo turn around, Amber changes into sheer lingerie. Then she and Skyler approach him and drop to their knees. They pop Apollo's stiffie out and coo between themselves about how nice it is. When they take turns sucking, Apollo knows he's definitely getting some. Amber lays down on the bed and spreads her thighs so Apollo can slide on home. Meanwhile, Skyler climbs on top of Amber's face to ride her tongue. Amber lets Skyler have a go riding Apollo's fuck stick in cowgirl and then reverse cowgirl. When it's her turn again, Amber gets on her knees so her stepbro can pound her in doggy as she resumes eating her BFF out. When Apollo pulls out, he manages to blow his load all over Amber's ass and Skylar's face, leaving a mess to be licked up and snowballed by the two coeds.

Syren De Mer 在 'Double Teaming The Foam Party MILF'

Syren De Mer - Double Teaming The Foam Party MILF

Air Thugger & Apollo Banks are invited to their college buddy's house to hang out – except their new friend's idea of a fun party is having his mom, Syren De Mer, set up a foam projector in their backyard - with only the three of them. Well, hot MILF Syren sees it as a great opportunity to make some friends of her own – why waste these two young bucks and their throbbing cocks if they're within her reach? Especially when she can coat herself in foam and tease them right there under the sun before they sneak inside for a double penetration fucking!

Blake Blossom 在 'Sex Ed Teacher Fucks Timid Young Couple'

Blake Blossom - Sex Ed Teacher Fucks Timid Young Couple

Puppy crushes are rekindled when Blake and Apollo spot their former teacher at the laundromat. Even though they're all grown up, Ms Jessie still thinks they have a lot to learn about anatomy.

SlimThick Vic 在 'Going All Out With A Gangbang'

SlimThick Vic - Going All Out With A Gangbang

Slimthick Vic, dressed to kill in sexy pink lingerie, wants cock. And she's about to get all the cock she can handle. Five studs are ready and waiting to fuck Vic's face and pussy in a huge gangbang! Watch and enjoy as Vic gets pounded and covered in cum!

YumTheeBoss 在 'Thankful For a Giving MILF'

YumTheeBoss - Thankful For a Giving MILF

Apollo is invited to his girlfriend Ameena's for a Thanksgiving Dinner. He meets her intimidating dad, Tre and her much more welcoming mother – Yum. As they share a wonderful spread, Yum sneakily feasts on an overwhelmed Apollo's cock. He can't resist but cheat on Ameena with her own mother! But Apollo didn't think too far ahead and now he has to deal with the whole fam damily backlash!

Alexis Malone 在 'The Secrets of Pleasure'

Alexis Malone - The Secrets of Pleasure

Ava is nervous about having sex with her boyfriend Anthony. She tries taking it slow by sucking his cock, but their first attempt doesn't go well and Anthony leaves. Alexis, Ava's stepmom, sees the whole thing from the door and decides to help her stepdaughter out. The experienced blonde knows that Ava needs to understand the basics of pleasure, so she takes her to the shower to make her feel stuff she never felt before. After a stunning sexual awakening, Ava is ready to have amazing sex with Anthony, and Alexis is happy to join them and make the experience unforgettable.

Vanessa Sky 在 'Vanessa Surprises Bf With The Gift Of Anal'

Vanessa Sky - Vanessa Surprises Bf With The Gift Of Anal

Vanessa knows how to keep a man motivated: when she holds out in the bedroom and dangles the right prize, her boyfriend will rise to any challenge for a chance at what he wants from her most.

Alexis Malone 在 'Dream Mom Sucks College Kids Cock Dry'

Alexis Malone - Dream Mom Sucks College Kids Cock Dry

Dream Mom Sucks College Kid's Cock Dry

Anissa Kate 在 'Awkward Nerd BF Gets Horny Roomie Anal'

Anissa Kate - Awkward Nerd BF Gets Horny Roomie Anal

Anissa loves to fuck and she is happy to bring home a new suction dildo and plant it right in the middle of the living room for all to see... and fuck it right there. Her roommate arrives home and catches her. Pissed, she reminds Anissa that she is having Apollo, her new bf, over for dinner and Anissa needs to put away her sex toys! When Apollo arrives, Anissa doesn't hide her suction dildo and when he attempts to tuck her chair in, she shows it off and is happy to be bouncing as dinner is served. Anissa goes for her roomie's man in front of her face and behind her back! Eventually Apollo falls for her forward advances and they titanic their way to sexual victory.

Lika Star 在 'Play With Me'

Lika Star - Play With Me

Lika is trekking across Europe, meeting all kinds of new people, and trying new things. Will she still want her boyfriend when the adventure is over?

Jennifer White 在 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 2'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 2

Bodacious porn queen Jennifer White captivates through a stellar opening tease, donning orange lingerie that perfectly matches the neon lighting around her. The thrilling MILF shares an epic blowbang with 11 hung studs -- Kris K XXX, Scotty P, Lawson Jones, Donny Sins, Eddie Jaye, Dan Damage, Apollo Banks, Nade Nasty, Musa Phoenix, Hollywood Cash and Tyrone Love! She kisses Donny's lips and then drops to her knees to work on big cocks. The guys surround her, masturbating. Hot Jennifer moves down the line, sucking each stiff dick. Her big boobs play a major role in the action, swaddling multiple schlongs for slippery titty fucking. This melee of fellatio includes epic dirty talk; messy lube sucking; and aggressive throat reaming. The crude blowjob party climaxes with a graphic, bukakke-style cum facial! Irrepressible Jennifer waits with her mouth open as each guy bastes her in hot cum!

Avery Jane 在 'Diphallic Dude DPs Duo'

Avery Jane - Diphallic Dude DPs Duo

Avery is excited to go out on a date when Apollo shows up for some streaming & chilling vibes with her roomie Leana. Avery is going about her business when she catches a glimpse of the young couple getting hot & heavy. Her head just about falls off her neck when she sees what she sees – Apollo has 2 big cocks, that's right – 2 of them! When she realizes her troubles have doubled, she cancels her date and tries to make a new one with at least one of Apollo's fat dicks! Leana is also mesmerized with her boyfriend's double dongs but not quite ready for anal. That's where Avery steps in to make sure all holes are covered!

Valentina Nappi 在 'Gangbang di Emergenza'

Valentina Nappi - Gangbang di Emergenza

Gorgeous Valentina Nappi has a mystery ailment. There are no alarming symptoms; she's just extremely horny and wants some attention! The doctors on staff, Mick Blue and Oliver Flynn, can't find anything wrong with Valentina but give her a hospital bed to ease her nerves. Behind the doctors' backs, sneaky Valentina gets the attention of hospital orderlies Air Thugger, Apollo Banks, Hollywood Cash, and Scotty P! The attentive orderlies don't stand a chance against Valentina's mischievous x-rated antics, and are soon surrounding her for a sloppy blowbang. When doctors Mick and Oliver return, brunette Valentina ropes them in for a hospital gangbang, which ends in a bukkake-style cum fest all over Valentina's pretty face!

Apollo Banks 在 'When She Cums I Win'

Apollo Banks - When She Cums I Win

Braylin Bailey is doing her laundry and daydreaming about doing something a little bit more fun. Her boyfriend, Apollo Banks, is there right on cue. Braylin is bending over the laundry when Apollo comes up behind her with lovely wandering hands that go from her ass to her tits.With Braylin's instant and enthusiastic response, Apollo doesn't hesitate to take things even further. He eases his girlfriend onto her back on the couch and then kneels between her thighs. Using his teeth to pull Braylin's thong aside, he goes for a pussy feast.Braylin doesn’t need to be asked twice to abandon the laundry. She tugs Apollo's pants down until his hardon pops free. Dropping to her knees, she wraps a hand around the root and then leans forward to start sucking and licking. Every inch of Apollo's hardon is game for Braylin's tongue as she takes her time blowing him.Once she has had enough cock sucking, Braylin gets on her feet and leans forward over the couch arm. Apollo is right there to take her from behind. He slides home nice and deep, taking Braylin to the top in a few hotblooded thrusts. Picking his lover up, he takes her to the kitchen island where he gives her pussy a good lick before sliding home once again.The couple relocates to the bedroom to slow things down and have an even hotter coupling. Kisses turn to a sweet and sexy cowgirl ride as Braylin mounts Apollo's dick in bed. She keeps it slow and steady as Apollo squeezes her breasts and ass. Falling to her side, Braylin takes Apollo back inside as they spoon together. Apollo brings Braylin to orgasmic heights one last time before pulling out and letting his love do the rest of the work. Braylin finishes Apollo with a handie that leaves her twat covered in his cum shot, a nice snack before the couple curls up together in the afterglow.

Penelope Woods 在 'Going Hard'

Penelope Woods - Going Hard

When you cross Penelope's path, you better keep your wits about you, or she'll lure you in and have you following back to her place to keep her entertained.

Harley Haze 在 'My GF's Roomie is a Total Thirst Trap!'

Harley Haze - My GF's Roomie is a Total Thirst Trap!

Foreign exchange student & curvy goddess Sarah has moved in with her college acquaintance Harley. Harley invites her boyfriend Apollo over and sneakily tries to fool around with him in front of Sarah. Not only is Sarah savvy to Harley's hijinks, but she is simultaneously thirst trapping Apollo with her ample assets. Apollo only gets sneaky glances & teases of Sarah's beauty as they slink around behind Harley's back, until Sarah decides to give him the full reveal with the hottest in cheating hardcore sex!

Laney Grey 在 'Stepsister Pillow Fight Night!'

Laney Grey - Stepsister Pillow Fight Night!

Tru Kait has invited her new bestie from college Laney over for the night. Laney crosses path with Kait's new stepbrother Apollo and a spark ignites. As Kait & Laney have a sexy pillow fight leading to some steamy lesbian action, Apollo watches enviously. When Kait leaves for a moment, he takes the opportunity to get it on with Laney. But when Kait returns to find Apollo mysteriously in her room, she takes advantage and uses him to get her rocks off while Laney sneaks around trying to get hers too!

Xxlayna Marie 在 'Wet, Six-Dick Blowbang!'

Xxlayna Marie - Wet, Six-Dick Blowbang!

Sassy XXX starlet Xxlayna Marie is hungry for hard cock. It's perfect timing for a blowbang, as aggressive studs Musa Phoenix, Nade Nasty, Apollo Banks, Lawson Jones, Milan and Scotty P are raring to go. The pretty-faced Latina teases in kinky fetish to gear to kick things off, but adventurous Xxlayna soon finds herself on her knees and sucking six big cocks. The young vixen drools and deepthroats as she gives sloppy head, fully enjoying herself as big Black cocks and thick, White boners fuck her mouth. Xxlayna opens her mouth widely, and the dudes pour nasty lube down her throat! Extreme blowjob action includes throat-reaming fellatio, choking, and a bukkake-style multiple cum facial! Xxlayna holds a bar glass below her chin, capturing the spunky surplus as the fellas frost her bewitching face. Basted in semen, she pours the excess sperm down her throat and swallows!

Kianna Dior 在 'Wet, Five-Cock Blowbang!'

Kianna Dior - Wet, Five-Cock Blowbang!

Bodacious Asian MILF Kianna Dior loves being the center of attention, so she's a natural for blowbang action. The busty goddess shows off her statuesque body in purple lingerie, unveiling her massive tits through a sexy tease. When five big cocks surround her, submissive Kianna knows what to do. She sucks big Black cocks and White meat, drooling and choking lewdly. James Angel, Air Thugger, Apollo Banks, Oliver Flynn and Dan Damage fuck her face. Nasty blowjob action includes ball lapping and crude dirty talk. Guys squirt lube down Kianna's throat and smear her face with their pricks. For the climax, each dude splashes Kianna with a messy cum facial. Sperm encases her face as moaning Kianna holds a plate, to capture excess spunk and spit. She pours the raunchy fluid into her throat, swallowing hot cream of semen soup.

Alexis Tae 在 'Wet, Eight-Cock Blowbang!'

Alexis Tae - Wet, Eight-Cock Blowbang!

Black stunner Alexis Tae knows extreme porn. Looking sexy in glamorous lingerie, the slender vixen preps viewers -- and her eight co-starring cocks -- for a raunchy blowbang! Alexis teases the camera, showing a choker that reads, 'CUMSLUT.' Lucky stiffs Jovan Jordan, Dan Damage, Apollo Banks, Milan, Lawson Jones, Jason Sweets, Scotty P and Coach Cardher encircle Alexis, excitedly groping her. Alexis drops to her knees, and the guys take their places on the couch. She sucks and slobbers over each throbbing erection, choking through an epic face fucking. Alexis eggs the guys on with dirty talk, deepthroating big cocks as spit seeps over her perky tits. A melee of filthy blowjob action includes ferocious throat fucking. White meat and big Black cocks leave Alexis slathered in slimy saliva. Her reward is a tornado of flying cum facials! The sweet girl collects excess semen on a plate under her chin, licking up surplus sperm.

Alexis Malone 在 'Petite college babe, Demi Hawks, and MILFs Alexis Malone and Rachael Cavalli, get their share of stuffing from a big fat cock this Thanksgiving'

Alexis Malone - Petite college babe, Demi Hawks, and MILFs Alexis Malone and Rachael Cavalli, get their share of stuffing from a big fat cock this Thanksgiving

Demi Hawks is invited to a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at Rachael Cavalli's -- her boyfriend's mom's place. Demi's boyfriend has a last minute store trip to pick up some things needed for the feast. While away, his good friend arrives. He happens to be Demi's ex-boyfriend and one thing she can't resist is his big fat thick dick! Demi takes him into the laundry room for a quick blowjob but gets busted by not only Rachal but Rachael's friend Alexis Malone. Demi explains the situation and the MILFs are intrigued and horny. They insist they continue what they were doing while they watch. Looks like sausage is on the menu instead of turkey this Thanksgiving!

Vicki Chase 在 'Mouth of Babes Part 1'

Vicki Chase - Mouth of Babes Part 1

An infamous ward at a mental institution plays her biggest game yet in cell block D.

Liz Jordan 在 'Anal and Betrayal'

Liz Jordan - Anal and Betrayal

Liz is visiting her new boyfriend Hollywood Cash at his home but quickly becomes intrigued by his bad boy brother, Apollo. While suave & sweet Hollywood lays on the charm, Apollo simply ignores Liz – which drives her nuts. She must have him. She will have him. Deep in her ass!

Apollo Banks 在 'Bum-Rushed and Booty Swapped'

Apollo Banks - Bum-Rushed and Booty Swapped

Apollo is having sex with his GF Katie, when he tries for her ass again – but he is quickly & mercilessly rejected before anyone can get off. Dejected, Apollo reverts to his sex toy to get his anal fix, only to be humiliatingly caught by Dalia. Their horny roommate Willow spies the whole ordeal & schemes a way to get her eager asshole in Apollo's line of fire – leading to some intense, sneaky anal!

Vivianne De Silva 在 'Stretch Me Out'

Vivianne De Silva - Stretch Me Out

Cute, curvy, and incorrigible, Vivianne doesn't care that her microskirt can't cover her buttcheeks. Check out how she accessorizes behind closed doors.

Ebony Mystique 在 'Tongue Tied and Pussy-Whipped'

Ebony Mystique - Tongue Tied and Pussy-Whipped

Elsie has her new fuckboy Apollo over, but seems more interested in her nails than she does getting him off. When Ebony, Elsie's new stepmom spies Apollo trying to please her disinterested new stepdaughter - she decides to put his tongue to use where it will be appreciated. When Elsie catches them in the throes of some heinous action, her jealous streak comes out & a totally inappropriate threesome ensues!

Bella Blu 在 'Good Neighbors'

Bella Blu - Good Neighbors

Apollo & Joshua are tossing a football when their new hot neighbor Bella Blu comes over and asks to use their pool area to tan. The guys are happy to oblige & Joshua jumps at the chance to lotion up Bella. Joshua gets too excited & unloads on Bella , so Apollo heroically chases him out of the yard. Bella has eyes for Apollo & asks him to help her clean up the mess - leading to some sneaky sex as Apollo tries to retain the moral high ground AND fuck his new hot neighbor!

Cherie Deville 在 'Classy Suburban Wife's Cum Obsession'

Cherie Deville - Classy Suburban Wife's Cum Obsession

Classy & upscale cum addict Cherie lives a luxurious life with her husband Mike, who is happy to sate her fixation when he can provide. But he is constantly depleted, his tank on empty as Cherie has a ravenous appetite. When Mike's family friend Apollo comes to town for a golf tournament, Cherie sees an opportunity to extract new material from the young buck – she just has to make sure Mike doesn't catch them!

Angela White 在 'Sexually Rated Programming: Blowbang'

Angela White - Sexually Rated Programming: Blowbang

Goon morning, stroke puppets. It's time to wake up and grab hold of your cock once more at the command of the curvy goddess Angela White. Time to escape normalcy, society, pressure, purity, and embrace your degeneracy. To become a gooner without remorse or worry, to submit yourself totally to her voice. Her desire. Her need to see you drooling, moaning, leaking, gooning. To pump. Edge. Leak. Repeat. To watch Angela in her largest blowbang yet. Pump. Edge. Leak. Repeat. To watch her spit and swallow and devour throbbing cocks. Throat, hands, face, every part of her desperately working to use a room full of playthings. To put them under her control. Pump. Edge. Leak. Repeat. To watch drool splatter across her big bouncing natural tits, aching to be groped. To let yourself succumb to porn. Pump. Edge. Leak. Repeat. Forever.

Lexi Luna 在 'Lunch with The Steps'

Lexi Luna - Lunch with The Steps

Apollo & his girlfriend Chloe are invited over to have lunch with Leana & her new stepmom Lexi, their new neighbors. Little do they know– Leana & Lexi happen to be total nymphs, lusting after the young couple. Apollo & Chloe try to thwart their neighbors' sneaky advances before Leana tricks Chloe into leaving so they can have their way with Apollo!

Christie Stevens 在 'Boutique Booty Call'

Christie Stevens - Boutique Booty Call

When Christie Stevens catches shopper Apollo Banks sniffing panties in her boutique, she strips down and gives him a juicy wet pussy to fuck instead! Meanwhile Apollo's girlfriend, Laney Grey, is changing into some new panties of her own and beckons him inside the stall to come join her… and cum on them! The fun doesn't end there, however, as Apollo exits the changing room and continues where he left off with Christie…until Laney catches the sneaky cheating perv! But Laney's so riled up and still horny that she joins in for a wild threesome right there in the store! Talk about a shopper's delight!

Apollo Banks 在 'JC Wilds Finds Jesus'

Apollo Banks - JC Wilds Finds Jesus

JC Wilds opened the door to find Apollo Banks wanting to talk about Jesus. She was not a believer but when Apollo told her Jesus was everywhere she invited him in. Apollo was explaining about the Bible but JC decided to look for Jesus herself. She looked at Apollo, she looked at his pants. Kneed down in front of him. Unzipped his pants. And there he was. She found Jesus. JC took out Apollo's dick and started to blow it. Then she stripped naked and they started to fuck. She was a really cute girl and Apollo had this really big dick. She was riding him, they did the doggy thing, they fucked in missionary. At some point he s**t his cum all over her face.

Apollo Banks 在 'Luna Gives Stranger Some Pussy'

Apollo Banks - Luna Gives Stranger Some Pussy

Luna Fae wants to have a fun spring break. She gets in a van with strangers, takes their money, and gets dicked. She doesn't seem in her right mind but Apollo Banks doesn't care as long as she's sucking his cock. He gets blown and then lets her ride his cock, then he gets her on all fours and fucks her some more. Then he fucks her missionary before he obviously cums on her face. She liked it.

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'Cute and sexy duo, Anna Claire Clouds and Sera Ryder, get oiled up and fuck your brains out!'

Anna Claire Clouds - Cute and sexy duo, Anna Claire Clouds and Sera Ryder, get oiled up and fuck your brains out!

Anna Claire Clouds & Sera Ryder are here to get their pussies filled up by your massive cock. They love a good tag team action and will show you how real pornstars fuck.

Laney Grey 在 'Hot and horny pornstars Laney Grey and Slimthick Vic oil themselves to bounce on your cock!'

Laney Grey - Hot and horny pornstars Laney Grey and Slimthick Vic oil themselves to bounce on your cock!

Laney Grey & Slimthick Vic have a special evening for you, starting by getting their body's oiled up and slippery so that big cock of yours can slide right in their tight wet pussy's.

Apollo Banks 在 'Gia OhMy's Cute Ass'

Apollo Banks - Gia OhMy's Cute Ass

Gia OhMy was hanging out at the pool showing off her amazing body, tits and ass. Apollo Banks joined and spread some oil on her. Then they went inside and Apollo first ate Gia's pussy. She returned the favor and gave him an amazing bj. Then they fucked. Apollo's dick was really big, yet managed to fit perfectly into Gia's little pussy. They fucked in all the classic positions like doggie, riding, spooning, mish and in the end Gia got on her knees and Apollo s**t his godly load straight into her face.

Alexis Malone 在 'Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 3'

Alexis Malone - Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 3

Alexis Malone and Manuel Ferrara missed each other so much that they can't wait to get home - literally. Alexis busts her big tits out in the car, since the driver doesn't mind, and these two go to town on each other. Backseat action is hot and fortunately, there's plenty of room for her to spread her legs and have her pussy taken care of. She can't wait for that hard cock and gives some vehicular blowjob action while her pussy is dripping, aching to get filled after a long time away. They finally make it back and Alexis hasn't had enough cock down her throat yet. The tattooed MILF sucks a mean dick and then gets fucked some more. She's a hungry slut and slathers his face in her sweet juices when she rides it with her holes, back and forth and nice and hard. He fucking loves it and she loves how she tastes too when she goes down for more, rimming and sucking like the cock-hungry MILF she is. There's bound to be a big load that's been waiting for her return!

Alexis Malone 在 'Home From the Office'

Alexis Malone - Home From the Office

Hot busty blonde MILF is craving some young cock

Alexis Malone 在 'Strangers In the Woods'

Alexis Malone - Strangers In the Woods

If Alexis Malone's husband wanted to keep her faithful and happy, maybe he should start by being kinder to her. When he pushed her away, Alexis went running to the exact place her husband didn't want her to go: to the park where strangers meet up for anonymous public sex. Alexis chased down the guy she saw fucking a random broad the day before, and seduced him into nailing her up against a tree. Right there in the wide-open air, Alexis two handed the shaft and pushed it to the back of her throat. The thrill of cheating got Alexis's pussy so wet, and the sheer erotic naughtiness of outdoor fucking made every thrust slam home that much sweeter.

Alexis Malone 在 'Panty Pops 10'

Alexis Malone - Panty Pops 10

Foxy blonde MILF Alexis Malone wears a skintight top that shows off her big, round, jutting tits; she lifts her short skirt so director Kevin Moore can admire her plump, juicy ass and sexy thong. This experienced beauty worships the director's stiff boner with her mouth and slides his dick inside her pussy for a POV-style ride to paradise. She models different, cute underwear for Kevin; he shows his appreciation by cumming on Alexis' panty-covered ass.

Alexis Malone 在 'Hardcore MILFs'

Alexis Malone - Hardcore MILFs

Two stacked MILFs -- tattooed blonde Alexis Malone and athletic brunette Lezley Zen -- kiss and make out in a locker room. Lezley strips Alexis to eat her naked, shaved holes from behind. The brazen bitches don't quit when they're caught by tattooed stud Clover; they make it a threesome! Alexis and Lezley share a huge-cock blow job. As Lezley sucks dick, Alexis rims her asshole. And as Lezley gets fucked, Alexis sits on her face. Clover's balls slap Alexis' cute butt as he plows her pussy doggie-style. The ladies happily take turns fucking the stud's big bone and sucking it pussy-to-mouth. Clover jerks his jism into Lezley's mouth; the hot MILFs kiss, orally clean cock and writhe on the floor, still hot.

Alexis Malone 在 'Inked Angels 04'

Alexis Malone - Inked Angels 04

Alexis Malone, a tanned, tattooed blonde MILF, shows off her fine ass, shaved box and inked skin in a net hooker dress; her heels make her taller than Mr. Pete. They make out and kiss, and Pete gets down to eat pussy and rim asshole. He rubs his uncut cock in her sweet butt crack. Now Alexis gets dirty, sucking dick and tonguing his bunghole. He spanks her cheeks pink during an intense doggie-style plowing. Alexis cries, 'Give it to me!' as she rides Pete's meat, his balls bouncing, their skin slapping. They fuck in multiple positions, spiced with choking and tit slapping. Pete fingers the horny MILF, making her ejaculate girl squirt! Alexis kneels for a cum facial and lovingly mouth-cleans Pete's peter.

Alexis Malone 在 'Feeding Frenzy 5'

Alexis Malone - Feeding Frenzy 5

Alexis Malone The Cock Inspector. While her position of cock inspector is largely ceremonial and definitely self appointed Alexis takes it seriously as evidenced in this offering from FEEDING FRENZY 5. A cock sucker of the first magnitude and a deep throating maven who's work is venerated from coast to coast, Alexis Malone is not to be missed.

Alexis Malone 在 'Glory Hole'

Alexis Malone - Glory Hole

Tight bodied young blonde Alexis Malone just can't seem to find any she goes to her favorite glory hole location, and wouldn't you know it, two big cocks sticking right through the wall! She uses these cocks to get herself first by stroking and sucking, and then eventually by wrapping her cunt lips around them. She takes two steaming hot loads right on her face, and the beauty is, she doesn't even have to kick them out after!

Alexis Malone 在 'Black Owned 1'

Alexis Malone - Black Owned 1

Alexis Malone Interracial. A beautiful blonde who just wants big black cock, Alexis Malone gets her wish in this fraction of BLACK OWNED. Interracial loving at it's best and baddest, don't miss this one.

Alexis Malone 在 'Flesh Hunter 8'

Alexis Malone - Flesh Hunter 8

Alexis Malone and Kylie Wilde are playing a deviant sex game. Kylie is tied up and Alexis is wearing a strap-on while Kirt Lockwood is watching. Using every little trick they know, the three of them will make sure everyone is satisfied...

Alexis Malone 在 'Tunnel Vision 2'

Alexis Malone - Tunnel Vision 2

Alexis Malone is back and ready to take on some more dick for Jules Jordan, and that she does! This time it's his cock she's going to be servicing, and service it she does! She strips slowly before dropping down to her knees and sucking on this studs prick in an impressive fashion...this of course is only until she sits on his rod and begins to do the roll bounce! After a couple of positions of cunt stuffing, she lays down and takes a thick creamy load all over her sweet face!

Alexis Malone 在 'Polarity Scene 3'

Alexis Malone - Polarity Scene 3

Rachel (Nicole Sheridan) is a beautiful yet timid housewife in a troubled marriage desperately looking for an escape. When Rachel's husband leaves her she suddenly finds herself alone. Desperate for love and attention she becomes drawn to an eccentric artist who opens his home and heart to her. But as quickly as she falls for him, another man enters the picture. Confused and desperate she slowly realizes that you can't depend on others to save you, you have to save yourself.